
国外博彩app的学生可以获得UREC会员资格,作为学费的一部分. UREC为现有的教职员工提供额外的会员资格,不收取额外费用. 我们为苏校友和合作伙伴或这些团体的家属提供小额会员费. UREC is not able to offer membership to community members.

UREC Membership


UREC为现有的教职员工提供额外的会员资格,不收取额外费用. 我们为苏校友和合作伙伴或这些团体的家属提供小额会员费. UREC is not able to offer membership to community members.

学生需要支付一笔费用,这笔费用包含在国外博彩app的学费发票中. 作为福利包的一部分,教职员工可以免费成为该设施的会员.

Students who are matriculating at the university, 但目前未注册课程的学生必须在UREC支付70美元以注册他们未注册的学期的会员资格.

所有会员必须出示国外博彩app的身份证才能进入该设施. 学生、教师和工作人员可以在其会员中添加合法居住的成人和受抚养人. 所有个人必须出席首次登记,只有主要会员(学生, Faculty, and Staff) may renew the membership.

To obtain an alumni membership, 申请人必须在国外博彩app获得至少90个学分和/或获得学位.

Monthly Annually
$44 $502
Membership Type Monthly Annually
LDA/Dependent/Spouse of a student, faculty or staff $44 $502
Family of a student, faculty or staff $50 $570
LDA/Dependent/Spouse of an alumnus $66 $752
Family of an alumnus $77 $880

Membership Registration

To sign-up for a membership, stop by the Member Services desk with payments ready (cash, credit card, or check). We can not renew memberships over the phone. 请携带驾驶执照以及任何其他文件:

  • Current Student, Faculty & Staff Memberships: No additional documentation
  • Alumni Memberships: No additional documentation 
  • *LDA会员资格:证明会员和个人(租赁)之间财务关系的文件, marriage certificate, driver's license showing shared address, etc.)
  • *Dependent Memberships: Proof of Age (i.e. 驾驶执照或出生证明),证明经济依赖的文件(i.e. IRS)

Cancelation Policy

要终止或暂停每月结算周期的会员资格,请发送电子邮件至会员服务部 at least five business days in advance of the next billing cycle. 如果不这样做,会员将被收取费用,并且不会提供退款.


Legally Domiciled Adults (LDA) Memberships

LDAs of member may obtain membership to UREC. 符合国外博彩app人力资源部的要求, to be considered an LDA, an individual must meet the following criteria:

LDA是18岁以上的个人,与担保人在同一主要住所居住至少6个月,并且在整个保险期内仍然是担保人的家庭成员, and who either:

  • 与担保人有密切的个人关系(不是临时的室友或房客), 分担基本生活费用,并在经济上相互依赖, 在法律上既没有与他人结婚,也没有与担保人有血缘关系,因此不能结婚.
  • 担保人的血亲是否符合《国外博彩app》第152条规定的纳税依赖人的定义.

Required Documentation

一个人必须出示他们的驾驶执照,除了以下最初获得会员资格. Upon renewals documentation will be verified on an annual basis.

  • 不动产的共同所有权(联合契据或抵押协议)或财产的共同租赁权益
  • Common ownership of a motor vehicle
  • Driver's license listing a common address
  • Proof of joint bank accounts or credit accounts
  • 被指定为人寿保险或退休福利的主要受益人的证明,或根据对方遗嘱被指定为主要受益人的证明
  • 持久财产转让委托书或医疗保健委托书
  • Marriage Certificate
  • State Registered Domestic Partnership Documentation

*如果担保人在任何时候失去使用设施的权限(不再受雇于大学), etc.), the LDA will also forfeit his/her membership.


Dependent Memberships

Dependents of members may obtain a membership to UREC. 符合国外博彩app人力资源部的要求, to be considered a dependent, an individual must meet the following criteria:


  • natural child
  • stepchild
  • foster child
  • legally adopted child
  • child for whom the sponsor is the court appointed guardian
  • child of LDA, if eligible, and if the LDA is also a sponsor
  • 16岁以下儿童不得进入有氧运动、力量和健身区

The following restrictions apply

  • 16岁以下的儿童不能获得独立于赞助商的会员资格,也不会获得单独的会员卡. Instead, 保荐人的卡片将包括表明他/她有一个16岁以下的受抚养人是该设施的会员的信息.
  • 4岁及以下的儿童不需要任何类型的会员资格即可使用该设施, but they must be supervised by their sponsor at all times.

Documentation Required

未满16岁的受抚养人登记为会员不需要任何文件. 那些年满16岁或以上的家属必须在首次注册时或年满16岁并希望获得自己的会员ID时提供证明其年龄的文件. 可接受的文件包括但不限于以下内容:

  • Driver's License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Adoption Certificate

*If at any time the sponsor loses his/her membership to the facility, the dependent(s) also forfeits his/her membership.

Family Memberships

如果会员有两个或两个以上的受抚养人或LDA寻求UREC会员资格,则可以购买家庭会员. 家庭的担保人必须自己有资格成为会员,并且必须持有或购买会员资格,以便创建家庭会员资格.

定价示例:如果您是校友,并且有两个家属想成为会员, you can sign up for the family membership. First, you will need to purchase an Alumni membership ($42/month) then, 你可以购买家庭会员,使你的两个受养人都成为会员(每月$74)。. Therefore, for you and your 2 dependents the monthly cost will be $116.

Same documentation is required as the Dependent and LDA memberships.

*If at any time the sponsor loses his/her membership to the facility, the dependent(s) also forfeits his/her membership.

Sponsored Guests

UREC会员一次最多可赞助4位客人,每次费用为每人10美元. 每个人必须携带带照片的身份证件,并且必须与会员一起进入设施. Other restrictions apply.

Contact Us

Eisiminger Fitness Center
550 14th Ave
Seattle, WA